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Flavors of the Rainforest:
Wholesales and Sample Bean Bags


For wholesale pricing, please e-mail us providing the following:

  • Name, address and phone number
  • Business name
  • Please provide more information about your request

These are our 1.5 Kg cacao sample bags. Each bag contains information on the harvest, flavors & aromas of that batch.
If you are interested in getting to know our product, please request a sample by emailing us at 

Our sample bags are free of charge for wholesale buyers located in the US or Canada. If you are a wholesaler buyer located in another country and interested in our samples, you are required to cover shipping costs. Please contact us for a quote.

“The Bean Review” is a document that serves as a guide for the bean aromas and flavors, as well as an introduction to our farm. 

We have partnered with Hazel Lee, a chocolate connoisseur, to review our cacao beans.
Please download it here.

  • UTZ - Rainforest Alliance
  • USDA Organic Certificate (in progress)


Fazenda Varre-Vento is delivering tangible values to both businesses and consumers: organic, forest-friendly and direct-trade products — these are individuals who are concerned with food ethics.
Ethical eating is not simply a matter of preference and personal taste, it envolves values of well-being, autonomy and justice.

︎VISION: Rethink/redesign the cacao supply chain, with focus on transparency, the environment and the finest quality beans and chocolate that we can produce.
Note: By implementing a system of transparent supply chain, we will be providing an added value within our farming and wholesale operation. Not only providing a mechanism of measurement and tracking of transparent sourcing around our beans to our chocolate maker clients, but also (chocolate) consumers that seek transparent food supply chains.

As part of our distribution agreement with our clients, we ask them to ship back our bean sacks after they are used (in order to decrease material costs for us and cut down unnecessary waste); We will be recycling our polypropylene bags (used to transporting cacao), and turning them in to pouches for our chocolate bars.

Mark Km 27 Rodovia Jorge Amado (BR-145) Ilhéus, BA, Brasil       Km 27 Rodovia Jorge Amado (BR-145) Ilhéus, BA, Brasil 5